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Read over the break! (+ visit + watch films & documentaries + draw + explore + meet etc.)

But for now, reading recommendations:

Gordon Cullen, The Concise Townscape (1995)
Peter Eisenman, Diagram DiariesEisenman Inside Out: Selected Writings 1963-1988
A. Peter Fawcett, Architecture Design Notebook (2003)

Buckminster Fuller: An Auto-Biographical Monologue/Scenario, Robert Snyder (1980)

Rem Koolhaas, Delirious New York, A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan (1978)

Gordon Matta-Clark, edited by Corinne Diserens, survey by Thomas Crow - London: Phaidon (2003) 
Frei Otto: complete works : lightweight construction, natural design / Winfried Nerdinger 
Birkhauser, 2005
Bernard Tschumi, Architecture and Disjunctions: Collected Essays 1975-1990The Manhattan Transcripts
Various, Dictionary of Design and Designers (2003)
Robert Venturi, Learning from Las Vegas (with Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour)Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture
Rendow Yee, Architectural Drawing: A visual compendium of types and methods (2007)

theorists and art/architecture historians:
Architectures experimentales, 1950-2000: collection du FRAC Centre / coordination generale, Marie-Ange Brayer -Orleans: Hyx, 2003 
Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age (1960); Design by Choice (1982); A Critic Writes (1999)
Beatriz Colomina ed., Sexuality and Space (1992) 
Colin Davies, High-tech architecture, (1988) 
Mike Davis, Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control, The Ecology of Fear (1992), Planet of Slums: Urban Involution and the Informal Working Class (2006), Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster (2000)
Robert Evans, The Projective Cast (2000)
EH Gombrich, The Uses of Images. Studies in the Social Function of Art and Visual Communication (1997)
Nikolaus Pevsner, The Sources of Modern Architecture and Design (1960)
Simon Sadler , Situationist city
Susan Sontag, On Photography (1977)
Various, Art in Theory 1900-2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas (2002)
Anthony Vidler, Warped Space (2000)
Paul Virilio, Open Sky (1997)
Tom Wolfe, From our House to Bauhaus (1981)

Gaston Bachelard, Poetics of Space (1958)
Roland Barthes, The Fashion System (1967); Camera Lucida (1981), Empire of signs (1982) 
John Berger, Ways of Seeing (1972)
Henri Bergson, Creative Evolution (1910), Matter and Memory (1911)
Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle (1967)
Manuel de Landa

fiction writers:
Jorge Luis Borges, Fictions (and others)
Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves (2000)
Georges Perec, Species of Spaces (1974)
Junichiro Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows (1993)

Katherine Harmon, Personal Maps and Other Maps of the Imagination (2003)
Edward Tufte, Envisaging Information (1990)

film-makers and photographers:
Robert Elwall, Building with light: international history of architectural photography - London: Merrell 
Fancois Truffaut, A Definitive Study of Hitchcock (1986)
Andreas Gursky: photographs from 1984 to the present / edited by Marie Luise Syring - Art Data, 1998 

Instant Light Tarkovsky Polaroids



Thank you for yesterday's presentation and for your work in general this semester.

I would like to meet with you one last time this next week, to talk about the review, in general and sometimes individually if necessary. I also would like to give you some recommendations for the break.

Could we meet on Wednesday afternoon, say at 2 or 3 pm, or later in the evening?
We do not need to meet in school, we could go to a cafe near-by.

Please let me know what works best for you.



Please be in the gallery tomorrow at 8.30 am in order to set up your presentations.
We will start with Ong, followed by Cherry.
The complete order will be given to you later.

As usual, all have to attend all presentations.

Make sure you have everything printed by this evening, and the layout on the wall worked out.
All drawings should be labelled and your overall visual presentation (including how you will show your models) should convey the consistency of your thinking and working processes.

Prepare your oral presentation thoroughly, you will have 5 minutes to explain your project, from analysis, through researches and development, to final proposition.

Rest tonight.

Good luck! Looking forward to tomorrow!!


Model making problem

I have some problem about my model
some detail such as glass brick and translucent material can't added in 1:100 model
- Glass brick is to small for 1:100 then I order 1 x 1 cm acrylic to create the facade
- Acrylic can,t be curve to create translucent wall.
Can i create 1:100 complete mass model by using cardboard and create another one section model to show detail of facade and translucent in bigger scale?

final model

on precess...