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Rendering - first part

For this update, I will post my progress in rendering. But it still not complete
This will be the render base on threshold mass.( with no material edit)
How to add context (tree + human scale) in Rhino before render or I must use combination with other 3d program ?? ( Now i use rhino+maxwell studio)


etc. said...

You can add trees, modelled in another software (File-Import) or in Rhino. And place them in your model (need to scale them generally).
However, i assume the work with the site has been done in plan, section and elevation prior to make the model, thus you can simply work on the renderings in Photoshop.
Does this model correspond to the drawings and the physical model previously posted?

Shane said...

The previous post just the first model and first drawing that done since pin up with Aj Taylor. So the new post is the updated one Develop in new circulation system.