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Pimmy's concept and presentation

Dear aj. Camillee, here are my concept and order of presentation (bullet points)
My concept:
The pedestrian bridge is a very unique infrastructure. For the first time we see the pedestrian bridge , we recognized its outstanding staircases on the both sides of the road with long and endurable slab to obviously separate the users and the vehicles on condition of providing safety. According to this pedestrian bridge, there are two important majors; the structure and the users. Therefore I modify this pedestrian bridge while simultaneously keep the existing one and allow two users to interact to each other, not physically or visually interaction but by their awarenesses.

My presentation:
- My concept
- Research = The five types of bridge, material
- Case studies = The construction and innovation of royal albert bridge, the thin table, earthquake-support building
- Site analysis = Our bridge component, the comparison between our bridge and other two bridges, users: the feeling of danger and reliance
- My experiments
- My functions = X-column, slab, cantilever, material } their alterations. 
- My development (roughly at the end of presentation)


1 comment:

etc. said...

Good start for the concept but you could develop it a little more...
Write/talk more about the relationship between the structure and the users before presenting how you modify it. You also need to describe those modifications in detail. And you cannot avoid talking about the feeling of danger and reliance that you create by radically altering the structure in order to achieve elasticity and dependency.
Be more precise when you talk about awareness - of what?

In your case studies, you should include the extremely thin table we observed as well as rope bridges and elastic structures designed for earthquakes.
Also are you sure that the Sagrada Familia fits in this research? if yes what you learned from it and how you used/transformed it needs to be explained on the page.

good luck with everything!