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Very good examples of projects' presentations are to be found on the President Medals Student Awards ' website from the Royal Institute of British Architects.
The awarded students are from all over the world. You can have a look at the previous years as well (the website goes back to 1998).

Look at how they present their researches, their drawings, their models. Find your own unity, in accordance to your project, to what (and how) you are proposing.
Do read both the tutor's and student's statements in order to understand the projects in depth.

Writing your own short statement for the presentation of your project will also help you a lot. Writing is a productive tool!


Dear all,

If you have some problems understanding how this will work, have a look at INDA DLab 1.0 (link on the side).
Ideally we will in the future develop our blog into 14 different ones - private evolution.
Provided you start publishing your work!!

In the meantime, i will now write comments and references here, so please check it daily.
And post daily as well.

GENG - using handrail to create shade
An artist you can get inspiration from for your work on the fences: Tadashi Kawamata
In your case, be careful about not creating a mess! His work may look very messy, but there is a logic behind it. You need to establish this logic!!
Also be aware that he is working with wood whereas you are working with metals.

ENN - foldable porcelain facade
Here is the last project of my friend Fredrik Hellberg, studying at the Architectural Association:

Atelier Bow-Wow (find the drawings)
Shin Egashira +
And, especially for Best's library, Shigeru Ban.

Hope to see your work here soon...