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Tutorials tomorrow

i have two options for tomorrow's tutorials:
- For those who are still around and can make it, we will have a physical meeting either at school (would be better for attending the seminar afterwards) or at TCDC (or else?)
- For those who escaped already or cannot leave their house, we can have a skype meeting at 4 pm - if you cannot you will email your work and explanations before 5pm.

Each of you please let me know your situation and preference so that i can plan ahead.
If you have other suggestions for place for physical meeting, please suggest. Ideally i would prefer this option for all. And we will all meet together.


This's what I've recorded over the pass few days. Hope it'll be helpful for the project. I will try to link it with what we have discussed earlier about the ways of intangible communication.Please give me sometime to go on with my research. Will update as soon as possible.


I know the water is coming but it won't be fast and we have so much time left to be prepared.


2 am : it's still dry. I'd sleep tight and leave for school in the morning

4.30 am : Woken up by mom before time. She was so shocked and I ran to a window to see the outside. The village's walls collapsed down and water kept coming in non-stop. Water is a little below my knees. Dad and mom quickly drove cars out to keep them somewhere safer. It was so chaotic in the house, everyone was moving around to keep the house safe. Apparently, all the sandbags we have were already useless.

5.30am : The water height was already above my knees. it's filling up the lake behind my house. Having disabled grands and a small brother made us more worried about how we could evacuate them out before it's too late. Dad was so nervous and scared. There was no way we could save everything in here. Grandpa walked around trying to be helpful but he got dad so pissed.

7am : A truck from dad's office came to rescue us. It was supposed to be for moving furniture out but the water was already at my hip and it was a tough work that we had to give up

8am: . Grandpa and my little brother were then evacuated out. It was just like a movie scene, dead cars on the road and people moving out trying to survive. It was even more chaotic outside. The road which usually took us 5 minutes to reach to the main road now took us an hour. Other houses along the way out were all in the same condition. People were not leaving their homes because worrying about their belongings.

12am : Water had reached my chest height. We failed to block it from coming into the house. Dad moved paralyzed grandma out by a boat to hospital.

4pm : Water didn't fail to stop increasing. It was tiring and we lost hope to keep the place safe. Had a hard time deciding to abandon home. Rescue team got us out from the house. Still couldn't believe this's real. Not seeing this with my own eyes, I wouldn't know it could be this bad.

8pm : All safe. Very quiet and tense environment. Only hearing sound from TV, listening to updates.


6am : woken up by dad's panic and everyone became panic.

10am : In school with thoughts about home. Tried not to worry since there's nothing better we could do now.

2pm : never felt this excited to get back home again.

4pm : Water rose, emerging more area and more chaotic surrounding. Felt like the world was ending. People crying over their losses.

5pm : Very unusual view of my own house. Dad didn't dare to come. Tried to grab as much belongings as I could. Grandpa kept calling to find his belongings under the water. Hopeless and helpless.

10pm : Back to the city without dad who was looking after our the-next-property-to-go. Like living another life from a few hours ago. Which is the reality? Scared to know what's going to happen the next morning


6am : First morning of the week without disturbed mind.

10am : Felt nervous without updating news

1pm : thought it could be a little relaxing afternoon but got a call from dad to stock food for 15 days!

9pm : I know dad is sad and hopeless. It's already a crisis period. I am told to be standby all the time. There's no good sign for the situation to get better.


5am : Dad and mom rushed out. Our company and cars are already under water.

8pm : Spent the day unpacking things from home and taking care of grandpa and little brother who need to be assisted almost all the time. Exhausted but to think about it, we are still luckier than many others.


9am : Can't imagine about future to come. Water is still rising and spreading. Got upset by what's going on. Can't wait for it to end.

12am : Victim-going-to-be is more mentally disturbed than the victims. Starting to become a consultant for people who are about to be flooded!

2pm : Grandpa couldn't endure living in this limited space anymore. He moved to Kanchanaburi. Left with little brother to be taken care of now.


My turn today to stay overnight with grandma at our last office in Rama 2, another danger zone!


Dad and mom went home again. Water still keeps increasing and became bad water. Boat will soon not be able to get into the house.

Situation is getting worse and worse. More people are suffering. Not enough helping hands. People in the city really don't know what is really happening outside there.


Quite settled after a week of trying to get things back into places. Trying to live normally but have to admit that it's not normal and water might be coming to greet me again here in Bangkok.

Prompt's work


After the start with proverbs, then Panopticon, and about the respects.
It came down to the word "image".

Image : 
-A physical likeness or representation of a person, animals, or things; photographed painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible.
-An optical counterpart or appearance of an object, as is produced by reflection from a mirror, refraction by lens, or the passage of luminous rays through a small aperture and their reception on a surface.
-Mental representation ; idea ; conception.
-PSYCHOLOGY; a mental representation of something previously perceived, in the absence of the original stimulus.
-A representation thus happened & occurred in oneself's mind, [Iconic representation]

My Interpretation toward the word "image":
-Image is a representation of something, taken in many forms[icon, photograph, colour, etc].
-Sometime people creates numbers, icons, colours as an image representing something. [To memorize and emphasize that object or thing].
-And people always hold on to the image of something that they created, as something that can help them continuing on the path that they supposed to.

In this part I can draw connection to the idea about the flood that is; 
In this flooding problem, many people have been losing so much, one of the thing that people hold on to is to the images of the King of Thailand, the photographs of him working in the hospital, or even his symbol are something that release all the stress and somehow united people together, erase the thought of losing hope, and fight this problem together, after seeing that the King also work very hard for helping us.

So right now I am shifting my project toward a way to design a space that will give convey a message about hope in this flood by using the image representation of the King.

Iconic & Mental representation of the King.

This is the ภปร.[POH POR ROR] symbol that represent the king.
Thus this symbol contain many elements that can be considered to be the image of the King himself:
-Yellow Colour : The colour of the birth date which is Monday
-Golden line around the text ภปร. in the middle and also around the circle with the blue colour as the inside colour of the circle represent that the King is the centre of the people all over the country.
-On top of the circle is number 9 in Thai, this represent that this is the ninth king of the kingdom of Thailand.
-The crown on the very top stands for the position as the king of this country.
-The left and right umbrella-like-shape represent that this country under the king's command is peaceful and safe.
-The rabbit stand for the rabbit's year[Thai's believes about the year].
-Behind the rabbit is in blue colour background decorated with the Thai art, this represent the Thai growth.
-Lastly the pink ribbin stands for the dates that the birthday will be on and also tells that which occasion is this symbol for.

Lastly is the White elephant that has been symbol for the Thai king for almost the starting of Thailand as a country.

Hope that this will finally be cleared to you about what I am doing.......

Prompt Udomdech