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Post your analysis in progress on the blog - under the label & title of your theme - so that everyone can gather all information early enough.

Present your investigations through drawings (plans, sections, elevations, axonometric projections, diagrams, sketches etc.), montages, animations, catalogues, graphs, and short texts.
You cannot simply present photographs, as the informations they are supposed to show need to be extracted, dissected, re-interpreted, compared (...) and finally expressed through another media in order to be effectively understood.

Also, you should start considering your personal direction for the design proposal now.
I will post the project schedule soon. 


Encyclopaedia researches are still going on!

None of you have given me anything the past 2 weeks + a lot were already not submitted before (i have the list).
I expect to have 7 researches from each and everyone by the end of next week.
For the late submissions (Geng, N, Enn, Shane, Ton, Pun, Ong and Eiab),  send me the ones already due over the week-end.

In the researches, you are expected to show your investigation and understanding through sketches/drawings/diagrams.

Thank you!