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Deep Ecology Summary by Plug

          With too many global problems occurring around our world, all of the crisis are recognized by people as entirely different issues. But the more we learned about the problems, the fact that they are interconnected and somehow are influencing one another is undeniable. The new way of perception, or the new paradigm suggests the idea of the existed "links" which connect between everything in the world. For example, poverty is the consequence of the raising of human population, and more. It's crucial for us to have a radical change in our perception and also our way of questioning the world. 
          We as well as scientist, philosophy determine science the rules of reality and thus cannot be changed. The change of Physics laws in Newton era gave birth to many new reality and thus challenged the fact. We have to accept the new way of seeing and paradigm to see the new possibility to all solutions.
          The new paradigm includes the terms holistic and ecological. Holistic worldview places human above all elements in the environment, shortly, human centered. The ecological worldview appreciates all values in the environmental at the same level, perceiving human as one of its network.
          Ecofeminism states the dominated condition not only that of the women, taken as lower position than men, but also that of every class, and society. The new way of seeing suggests to reconsider the old organization formed by the leaders with old perception.The ideal society in which everybody have the equal rights and opportunity can be achieved by the shifting our paradigm.

Prompt's collage remake

Prompt's Project Zero : Remake
Title : Sorry...

This collage is under the concept that no matter what happens in the political issues [all those fights between countries, people] that we received into our mind; the one who really lost, is this country itself.

Prompt Udomdech 5334766425
Deep Ecology Summary - Mark

This article presents a new branch of study called Deep Ecology. According to Dr. Capra, deep ecology is different from shallow ecology because it does not separate humans or anything else from the nature environment; “It sees the world not as a collection of isolated objects, but as a network of phenomena that are fundamentally interconnected and interdependent.” Capra suggests that perhaps the atom is not only composed of electrical particles but also a “soul” since it “cannot be weighted or measured in accepted ways.” Later, scientists such as Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, and more help to overcome the assumption against the revolutionary concepts that resulted in “The Paradigm Shift” in Capra’s term. The overly intelligence words scientists use to explain the revolutionary concepts are later made understandable to common man; which has impacted everyone through the increasing environmental practices of recycling and conservation. Furthermore, Capra also links diverse elements in a complex world through the idea called “web of life”; he notes that less advanced brothers are helped in their evolutionary journeys by the higher evolved brother although the help may not be noticed. This supports the ancient saying that “Nature unaided fails.” It points out the ways like good teachers do and then it’s up to the learners to make the progress. In this model of the new reality, women are also brought into attention. Women have the kind of power that can keep peace and harmony within a large society. They tend to emphasize the “heart doctrine” and men as the “head doctrine.” In the end, the definition of “life” remains indefinable because it always changes and progresses.