- DESIGN 3 / INDA International Program / Chulalongkorn faculty of architecure / BANGKOK -
The studio follows the general brief and schedule given to all second year students.
Good news!
Your researches are now on-line here.
To be completed still...
+ some of you haven't given me all 6 due by now.
Please send them!
Dear all,
Design your visual and write your oral presentations. We will spend 15 min on each project: The first half should be your presentation (about 7min) / the other half questions, comments and discussion.
Below is the review order:
TUESDAY - from 1pm
1- Golfe / Aj Nilay's group / 2- Ong / Aj Nilay's group / 3- Fa / Aj Nilay's group /( 4- N / Aj Nilay's group / 5- Best / Aj Nilay's group / 6- Pun / Aj Nilay's group / 7- Enn
FRIDAY - from 1pm
/ Aj Nilay's group / 8- Geng / Aj Nilay's group / 9- Shane / Aj Nilay's group / 10- Amy / Aj Nilay's group / 11- Cherry / Aj Nilay's group / 12- Ton / Aj Nilay's group / 13- Eiab / Aj Nilay's group / 14- Grace
All work is due tomorrow at 11am as Aj. A specified by email. Excuse us for the ever-changing submission time. It won't happen again!
Great to see that some of you are starting to use the blog! I would like to see EVERYONE posting now.
Ong, Shane, Amy, Best, Geng, Eiab, Ton?
For Ton:
I am waiting to see your work on the blog...
In the meantime, and because it is never too late, do a serious exploration of the following website