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Review de-briefing

Congratulations to all!!

Tuesday we will present the next project to you.
You therefore have the week-end to complete this one, finish your drawings, write your ideas, intentions and references, add the missing elements etc.

All of you please,
post your entire project 
- from analysis to renderings - 
accompanied with a text specifying the title and the idea/concept/position behind your design.
Do not forget to label your post with your name and/or the name of your project.

For yesterday's students:

Geng - re-work drawings and images + research on disabled people missing

Shane - work on your drawings! and model + read this, this and this about the origins, the meanings and the evolution of Zaha Hadid's drawings, especially with the emergence of the computer in architectural practices of the 90's 

Amy - work on drawings + renderings missing 

Cherry - diagrams to describe choices + a text explaining your project, your intentions will be very helpful + suggested explorations: a book, The garden of forking paths by Jorge Luis Borges; films by Alain Resnais, notably Last Year in Marienbad, more to come...! also look at the work of Richard Galpin

Ton - work on your renderings + research on the website i sent you before ( ways to express graphically vaporous data such as temperature or smell + here and there, a possible opening for the future 

Eiab - focus on one path through history, design and detail it in your drawings and model

Grace - look for different ways to express materials and textures  through drawings and mix-media (Herzog & DeMeuron, James Wine, R&Sie, from Lebbeus Wood's blog, Herb Greene houses' drawings, Bruce Goff's work and renderings, etc.) + develop a possible scenario for the creation of the conditions we discussed yesterday, the process and the results over time

+ Special clin d'oeil for Fa.. the edge,
drawing and model inspiration for Ong 

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