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Bom - site analysis

Fig 1.0 - This are the shading devices for the apartments and there are these all around the 4 sides. I see the device is also used for storage where people put stuff on it, and I think that is creative and might do something relate to that. Although, I do not think the two "devices" are enough shading as there are clothes sheet cover in front of the entrance as shown in the side elevation.

Fig 2.1 - I do not think it is a good idea to choose the across building as I am thinking of connecting the two together, and it is blocking the circulation. Also, the spaces in front of the apartment is so little and I do not think it is enough to be the shopmall.

Fig 2.2 - I like the way how the two apartments can be easily connected and not much have to be done, but to break through the walls. However, due to what I have in mind about maybe fixing or improving the community, I can not find a way to work with apartment, and the spaces in front of the apartments are very little.

Fig 2.3 - I like the back building most, as there are activities happen in the intersection of the two apartments, and the spaces there are big enough to create a shop mall.

Fig 2.4 - Furthermore, I would want to use the intersection spaces between the two apartments as a center of community, not only a shop mall. As far as I can see, the atmosphere around the site is rather quite and lifeless, I somehow want to integrate this shop mall into the community and let it be the center of the society as a whole. I think this will work because I do not see much shops around the specific site, only food are sold. I am already think about how it is going to relate to the movie in term of colors and connection, but it hard to explain here, so I will talk about it more on Tuesday.

Fig 3.1 - There are these lightings in front of almost every apartments, to emphasize that there is an entrance or to make the community less scary (I think). What I am thinking is to emphasize the entrance as the entrance does not look that good to me. The same logic goes to the stair, imagine you going up the stair, you won't see a door right away, there must be some sort of space in front before arriving at door, if there is space. And in the case, there is a little space in front of the entrance that has not been used. I am thinking of doing something to emphasize the entrance, to make it more lively.

Fig 3.2 - I walked around the site and observed how many light poles, and there are only 8 and they seem to not usable, and not important to the apartment. As mentioned in 3.1, I will try to do something (I don't know what yet) about the artificial lighting to make the space look lively and apart from that it will be natural lighting, on how it affect inside the house, and the artificial light using interiorly, and the "Feng Shui" which is Chinese believes and I have to further investigate.

These are the factors I have in mind right now, I am also thinking about the facade as there are two openings, which are the windows on second floor and the open space for small trees or hanging clothes on the top floor. But I still have nothing in mind yet. What do you think Aj. Camille?

Ps. sorry I couldn't make it today as I had morning class, and I didn't finish this yesterday. And I couldn't upload the 2.1 Project as mine is 600mb file. I tried to reduce it into jpeg and it still 14mb and I couldn't upload it. Sorry for the complication. 

1 comment:

etc. said...

Have you looked at the references i gave you?
Plus, i still think you should get very technical about lighting now -what do they use in film shoot? and for which effect/atmosphere?
You can start making a model and play with lights.
Exterior artificial lighting to lit up inside spaces - and the opposite - could be interesting...