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AJ. camille i'm really confused about what i should observe. I went to the site last week at 2 pm and today i went to the site again at 11 am and i'm going to the site again at 6 pm. Right now choosing the house is significant? since it is not about observing the house yet right it is more with the surroundings. my initial idea was to explore the site at different time of the day and see the activities and sound that happens. also observing the windows of the two houses which i think i will choose the house on the left (KTN yontrakan house). Now that i went to the site three times at 2pm and at 11 am, i observed that the sound depends on the transportation that circulates the site randomly as well as the vendor. other than that there are just sound of the water in the pipe of the house and the sound of people talking at the shops. so that can be the topic about sound distractions but it would change every time i visit the i was thinking that to contribute to public and private space, the windows that i notice is mostly caged for safety and security as well as preventing the view from the outside. the people who live in the house can control when they would slide the cage door and leave the door open and etc. and i was thinking of observing the site at different speed from car view and walking point of view to see what i would notice first and what i would completely ignore since that would also relate to the different views like what i analyzed with camera views in the film analysis. Am i on the right track? I'm still thinking about how to do the diagrams though as soon as i get the specific things i should observe answered.

PS: i post it to reply to the previous post that i posted but i'm not sure if you'll see it so i copied it to create a new post.

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