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Hello guys,

I know that we have so much work right now but still.. we have to make our group 'site model'...

To get it over and done with... I would like to make a suggestion, why not have each one of us make 5 shop houses by this friday?

scale 1: 50 so each house would be 7x28x19 cm
details can also be added i.e. the horizontal fins and windows...

then all we have left is the base? sounds good?

we also need volunteers to make the base and/or the taller shophouses at the end of the cul de the main road

What do you guys think? any suggestions?


etc. said...
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etc. said...

... and tomorrow we will have tutorials in the studio as well - this way you can continue working on the site model while waiting for your turn -
for this tutorial, print drawings at the scale required for the final review:
1/100 for site plan
1/50 for floor plans and sections and elevations