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Noc's summary for Deep Ecology

The author of Deep Ecology is trying to convey us with the idea that everything on Earth is related. The global problems that we are facing are interconnected - they are the causes of another problem and the main cause for all these problems is the matter of perception in which our leaders, or people who have the authority to decide what to happen, are not up to date and foresee enough to deal with the issues. Therefore, the shift in paradigm is in need as it will change the way people think and live. The new paradigm can be seen as a deep ecology in which human is seen as a part of the whole natural system and not above it. The idea of the old paradigm is more likely self-centered rather than earth-centered as the new one would be. The shift in paradigm also requires the shift in values to balance with the thinking to bring out the good outcomes as they are interconnected ecologically. The idea of gaining power and domination over the others in the old paradigm should be replaced with thought of sharing and influencing the other to a better position together. Basically, we have to apply the ecological concept of the nature in our living that we are all interconnected and interdependent and that is the values to enable us to shift to the new paradigm.

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