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review comments

-we will now start working intensively on the book - the book is your project!
remember the reference given by Lara,  Victims, a work  by John Hejduk - he also wrote a book (collection of poems) entitled Such places as memory
-continue working on your drawings - keep their simplicity but now they should be detailed and very precise!
also consider  your project in plan, and the boundaries between the different parts - do you want such strong ruptures??
-the book should mix texts - short fictions - poems? and drawings... start experimenting with this
- finally continue developing your models and devices but think about your story(ies) - it would be much better to be inspired by Edgar Allan Poe than by Jules Vernes - don't you think?

Simply put yourself to work! or the rest of the semester will be very difficult-
If you have real issues with the work we can discuss them tomorrow.

great presentation!!
Now you have to start designing this roof structure, "as the plants want it to be".
Even the interesting geometry of the leaves' cells looked at the microscope (look at voronoi diagrams) follow "pure" geometric rules that are then being perverted by the plant's reactions to the environment during its growth. Research more on that subject!
In your case the geometry has might first be serving structural purposes (for the roof), then could allow deformations according to the growth of the plants.
Continue working on the "implantation" plan, then on your gardening tools (nutrients, sun etc.) and their strategies. All this according to the factor time (which really needs to be represented).

the politics of movement? maybe poiesis?...
Since your concern has always been very political, it would be fantastic to develop a real project, based on your mature understanding of the forces behind Bangkok urban policies. What can be your strategy, and your action?
You really need to understand the failure of the Pink Bicycle.
maybe look at artists such as Genral Idea

Start working on those models!!! get the book Magic Patterns and begin your work now.
Your sketchbook is full of little treasures, they need to come out and take shape!
And now is the time!
Refine your design strategy according to your main concept, you might consider keeping the bridge, and creating clothes for it (wouldn't it make more sense?) - unless you are ready to develop a whole new structural system as well ?? It se(a)ms much more interesting to keep the bridge, and transform the way we perceive it through creating pret-a-porter or haute-couture garments especially for it... have fun with models!

Articulate your 2 concepts and you need to understand vernacular architecture (get the book we talked about: Architecture without architects by B. Rudovsky + a lot of references on thefunambulist - see older pages as well).
You need to redefine your idea of communication in this project. You could be much more abstract and adventurous in ideas!
If you cannot do it now, so focus on the vernacular idea (finish modelling all found objects, making a well organized and precise catalogue +, very important now, start playing with those materials and shapes in rhino, cut them, assemble them etc.)
You will later on be able to think about what this is all communicating about the faculty.

Look at the work of OMA Rem Koolhaas - especially the written work and the diagrams.
I think you should also start questioning the boundary between art and architecture. Write your ideas on this subject.
Lebbeus Woods works consists also of a lot of texts- see on his blog.
Keep on developing your project through refined and more an more spatial diagrams, and in parallel, by making more and more models, purely intuitively, then trying them at different scales.
This process will be super interesting!

The articulation between your work on structure and the circulation and interaction of people seems finally to appear!
Look at the great table by Junya Ishigami - and get the book  Why buildings stand up.
- look also at suspended bridges -
Keep experimenting with the existing structure, dismantling and weakening it - basically modifying completely its structural principle in order to have it rely on the presence of people (+ changes if 2 or 3, and depending on their possible encounters...).
The structure of the bridge is dependent on the people walking on it - but also - the movements and reactions of the people taking the bridge are dependent on the structure of the bridge.
this is the relation you have to work on.

Your project is a device first (of which the purpose still needs to be refined) and secondly a bridge!
The way it is also a bridge has to be thought about carefully, i don't think it can be by default or accident - it has to be something! maybe in relation to the device....
You are working on the idea of the perception of time and its varying length and duration according to our days - twilight and dawn are very interesting and inspiring moments of the day
Think about the misplacement and the change in perception you can operate while giving time...
Also it is a good idea to research on the symbolic of time and clocks in institutions.
tip: To test all your models, you need to make one with the arch of the sun at this precise location (with a lamp fixed to it that can travel along the arch as the sun would)

As we all agreed, you need to refine your position on this new brief you have discovered/created.
What is your frame? a competition? a collaboration with the engineers working on the monorail? an alternative? (then the whole system has to be thought) a counter-project? an anticipation of the future? of a failed future? an exaggerated one? a dreamed one? etc.
Keep on working on those small models of different approaches to the design. They are very useful to understand your different approaches.

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