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Sorry for my absent on Tuesday.

I have come up with the proposal to create a space which will be a flood stimulator where people will come into the space with the thought of seeing a flooded room only but as they are going to leave it, they will have to go through a flood event. This could probably create the change in emotions towards the space. They start the journey by controlling the flood and out by having the flood overcome them.

The scenario starts as the viewers enter the space in which they will activate the flood and let it floods a room where they will be investigating. It's all depended on them about how high the flood would be within the given height of the room and after that they will be flushing the flood out of the room in which it would stimulate the condition of the after flood.

Now the journey seems to have come to an end with a door ahead but the amount of the flood they have created initially will determine their exit from the space. The next room will be flooded with the water they have created and this will meets with my research about water level vs human emotions and reactions.


etc. said...

ok sounds good - produce as much as you can for tomorrow --- we will edit all this.
Remember what we said during last review... and are you using real flow at all?

etc. said...

- you also have to edit all your previous researches and present them in depth

- what about materials? what do you use to build the simulator (translucent? transparent? surfaces...)
i believe the subtlety of your project will come from the way it is now treated in details and represented - you have to find your way to represent this experience - and again renderings should be evocative more than realistic - always push it forward, with every document you start

- finally have you looked at Rachel Whiteread's "House" - the cast we mentioned during the review... the actual volume contained in a house....