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If I consider; squirrels, pigeons, turtles/tortoises, and fish for fauna, and Chamchuree trees for flora.
So these are the creation of myth that exists...are they?
If I understand correctly.
from Ice Age

Nutty from Happy Tree Friend

Mort from Madagascar 

Jid-rid from Kan-kluay (Thai animation movie)

from Valiant

from Finding Nemo

from Ninja Turtles

I research about the difference between turtle and tortoise and I think what is in the pond is not tortoise.
This is tortoise...
They are about 1meter big with huge shell and claws.
They cannot be in this shallow and small pond.

This is turle...
Turtle has more flat shell and no scary claws and can be any size.
There are many types and sizes for turtle.

This is sea turtle...
They have flippers, huge size and live in the sea.

This is soft-shelled turtle...
They have soft-and-flat shell with long nose.
Their shells don't have pattern at all comparing to turtle.
They can live underwater longer than other turtles.

I think what are in our pond are some marsh turtle and this soft-shelled turtle.

1 comment:

etc. said...

Ok - now at least we know who inhabits this pond... the creation of a myth, of a mystical beast goes far beyond the references you are now bringing - although what is very interesting about them, is that you are looking at contemporary media which shape and define a culture.

Now you need to start imagining how would this apparition happen?
Where? do you need actual physical, suggestion in or around the pond? or could it be through the different media of communication we have today??

What is really important is to be able to blur the boundary between what is considered real and what is considered fictional.
Children take it as a game, adolescent may have a more interesting approach to those matters, overwhelmed by how the game now affects them and their identity and not always able to create (or see) this boundary... before adults decide to separate the two worlds...

Do you see what i mean?
Now, time to be very practical also.
Please react back before Tuesday.